We conduct training on advertising skills through our unique program and dispatch the personnel

Based on over 10 years of experience in advertising-related tasks such as advertisement submission and reviews, we have developed the "Advertising Specialist Training Program." Utilizing this program, we cultivate specialized personnel focused on advertising tasks and dispatch them to client companies upon request. This program aims not only to train personnel capable of handling advertisement placements but also to develop expertise in areas such as the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act and the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, ultimately enabling them to conduct advertisement reviews.

Work Flow

The Service's Strengths and Features

  1. Expertise acquired through 10 years’ work experience related to advertising

    Personnel Training based on special program composed of expertise cultivated through work experiences

  2. Adaptability to any kind of work environments

    Dispatching makes it possible to adapt to any locations and diverse work tool even in case it is difficult to outsource due to information security

  3. Familiarity with the latest advertising trend and Amendment of the relevant law

    We can catch information about the latest advertising trend and amendment of the law since we are a member of Japan Interactive Advertising Association (general incorporated association) and Japan Advertising Review Association(public interest incorporated association)