Cost-Efficient Service Pricing to fit your Budget.
E-guardian has the ability to handle a wide range of your daily business needs; from making quick reservations to providing technical support which requires in-depth knowledge about products and services. Our accumulated knowledge allows us to provide consistent, 24/7 round-the-clock, high quality support for services of any scale. All services are custom-made, based on our shared operation to fit our clients needs both for quality and budget.
Cases of Shared Services Introduction or Implementaiton

A high-quality, low-cost system that operates 24/7, 365 days a year.
E-guardian understands website concepts, users, and trends in inquiries, and additionally has created an "Operation Manual" compiling FAQ and flow of reports. We offer support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Furthermore, we offer a shared plan for incurred charges that provides support for 100 occurrences per month, providing a cost-effective framework to start from.

Optimized FAQ and Inquiry Forms
We offer web service improvement by implementing knowledge gained from our extensive support experiences and based on the many inquiries we receive every day. Specifically, this means that we collect and analyze inquiries from clients, and, by adding common ones to our FAQ, reduce the number of similar inquiries. Furthermore, we also offer improvements for inquiry forms such as improving entry field content and form organization in order to create an environment where users are less inclined to go astray.

Global Operation Center in Philippines
E-guardian Philippines has provided several services such as customer support for cross-border e-commerce and game. As E-guardian Philippines has played a role as the base for global development of the E-guardian group companies, it has achieved remarkable growth, especially, in online advertising management and services related to internet security.
Frequently Asked Questions
By shared service, in which operators run multiple tasks in parallel, we offer custom-made pricing tailored to the volume of your tasks or budget. We can flexibly support depending on seasonal fluctuation, such as increasing operators only for the periods with more inquiries.
We can handle customer correspondences, order acceptances, as well as order confirmation. On top of that, we can also provide support for business esventuring in the customer support field in EC sites.
Case Studies
A partner with extensive knowledge, flexibility, and with whom we can trust to support our platform’s services
For Inquiries regarding Services and Quotations