Comprehensively checks issues on security. Technical experts with development experience diagnose vulnerability.
Due to the rapid increase of smartphone applications, insufficiency on know-how about security on the development side, etc., there are many cases where applications are released without adequate security measures and there are concerns about the occurence of serious incidents.
In this company, we take advantage of our extensive experience in vulnerability examination in web applications, with companies developing EC, games, financial-related smartphone applications, etc. as our target, our technical experts with development experience comprehensively checks security issues such as data protection, encryption, etc.
Business Flow Chart

Strengths and Points of Services
Examination Method that will make Fundamental Measures of Vulnerability Possible
We can give timely and reasonable correspondence to the needs of all Web operators in the country by doing remote examination via internet. On-site examination is also possible depending on the demand.
Starting from API examination through blackbox test, we implement "static response analysis", where technical experts with experience in application development visually examine source code, "dynamic response analysis", where we execute program on the dedicated PC and investigate inappropriate operation, and examination from various aspects. -
Freely use professional knowledge and comprehensively check issues on security
In this company's vulnerability examination, we perform comprehensive checks based on wide range of examination items ranging from data protection to encryption, authentication and session management, network communication, program code, reverse engineering, platform API, and server API. We constantly review examination items so that we can deal with new security threats that are occured everyday. Aside from development language for Android, we also support examination on iOS development language, examination of source code, and examination on third party environments such as Unity.
Frequently Asked Questions
Even if there is a same application on iPhone and Android, it is necessary to diagnose both since there will be a different data. Technical experts specialized in iOS and Android will correspond.
Apart from the usual items for examination, additional investigation components can also be made depending on your request. Furthermore, we can also suggest necessary additional components for examination based on the hearing.
For Inquiries regarding Services and Quotations